Fetal supraventricular tachycardia diagnosed and treated at twenty-four weeks of gestation and after birth: a case report
Fetal supraventricular tachycardia diagnosed and treated at twenty-four weeks of gestation and after birth: a case report
Fast-track articles Surgical treatment of atrial fibrillation in the beating heart: a novel approach
Fast-track articles Surgical treatment of atrial fibrillation in the beating heart: a novel approach
Current perspectives Non-pharmacological treatment of atrial fibrillation
Current perspectives Non-pharmacological treatment of atrial fibrillation
Propafenone-related cholestatic hepatitis in an elderly patient
Propafenone-related cholestatic hepatitis in an elderly patient
Case reports Successful treatment of anteroseptal accessory pathways by transvenous cryomapping and cryoablation
Case reports Successful treatment of anteroseptal accessory pathways by transvenous cryomapping and cryoablation