Usefulness of pulsed tissue Doppler for the assessment of left ventricular myocardial function in overt hypothyroidism
Usefulness of pulsed tissue Doppler for the assessment of left ventricular myocardial function in overt hypothyroidism
Left ventricular function in acute hypothyroidism: a Doppler echocardiography study
Left ventricular function in acute hypothyroidism: a Doppler echocardiography study
Respiratory changes in transvalvular flow velocities versus two-dimensional echocardiographic findings in the diagnosis of cardiac tamponade
Respiratory changes in transvalvular flow velocities versus two-dimensional echocardiographic findings in the diagnosis of cardiac tamponade
Original articles Imaging of the posterior descending coronary artery. The last frontier in echocardiography
Original articles Imaging of the posterior descending coronary artery. The last frontier in echocardiography
Pacemaker-induced mitral regurgitation: prominent role of abnormal ventricular activation sequence versus altered atrioventricular synchrony
Pacemaker-induced mitral regurgitation: prominent role of abnormal ventricular activation sequence versus altered atrioventricular synchrony
Pulmonary venous flow and mitral inflow velocity pattern in uncomplicated obesity: evidence for late diastolic dysfunction
Pulmonary venous flow and mitral inflow velocity pattern in uncomplicated obesity: evidence for late diastolic dysfunction
Doppler-derived acceleration ventricular early filling reliably mean right atrial pressure after loading manipulations with chronic heart failure
Doppler-derived acceleration ventricular early filling reliably mean right atrial pressure after loading manipulations with chronic heart failure
Non-invasive estimation of right atrial pressure by combined Doppler echocardiographic measurements of the inferior vena cava in patients with congestive heart failure
Non-invasive estimation of right atrial pressure by combined Doppler echocardiographic measurements of the inferior vena cava in patients with congestive heart failure