Original articles Angiotensin-related genes involved in essential hypertension: allelic distribution in an Italian population sample
Original articles Angiotensin-related genes involved in essential hypertension: allelic distribution in an Italian population sample
Prothrombotic genetic markers
Prothrombotic genetic markers
Incidence and prevalence of ischemic heart disease in Italy: estimates from the MIAMOD method
Incidence and prevalence of ischemic heart disease in Italy: estimates from the MIAMOD method
Epidemiologic perspective on the role of psychosocial factors
Epidemiologic perspective on the role of psychosocial factors
First risk functions for prediction of coronary and cardiovascular disease incidence in the Gubbio Population Study
First risk functions for prediction of coronary and cardiovascular disease incidence in the Gubbio Population Study
Twenty-five-year cardiovascular disease incidence among middle-aged men. Disease burden, time shape, predictors, risk probabilities
Twenty-five-year cardiovascular disease incidence among middle-aged men. Disease burden, time shape, predictors, risk probabilities