Risk stratification and prognosis of patients with known or suspected coronary artery disease by use of supine bicycle exercise stress echocardiography
Risk stratification and prognosis of patients with known or suspected coronary artery disease by use of supine bicycle exercise stress echocardiography
Original articles An exaggerated systolic blood pressure response to exercise is associated with cardiovascular remodeling in subjects with prehypertension
Original articles An exaggerated systolic blood pressure response to exercise is associated with cardiovascular remodeling in subjects with prehypertension
Exercise blood pressure response, cardiac output and 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure monitoring in children after aortic coarctation repair
Exercise blood pressure response, cardiac output and 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure monitoring in children after aortic coarctation repair
Beneficial effects of exercise beyond the pain threshold in intermittent claudication
Beneficial effects of exercise beyond the pain threshold in intermittent claudication
Exercise training counteracts the abnormal release of plasma endothelin-1 in normal subjects at risk for hypertension
Exercise training counteracts the abnormal release of plasma endothelin-1 in normal subjects at risk for hypertension
Efficacy of a short-course intensive rehabilitation program in patients with moderate-to-severe intermittent claudication
Efficacy of a short-course intensive rehabilitation program in patients with moderate-to-severe intermittent claudication
Pulmonary hemodynamic and tidal volume changes during exercise in heart failure
Pulmonary hemodynamic and tidal volume changes during exercise in heart failure
Analysis of gene-environment interactions by stressing-the-genotype studies: the angiotensin converting enzyme and exercise-induced left ventricular hypertrophy as an example
Analysis of gene-environment interactions by stressing-the-genotype studies: the angiotensin converting enzyme and exercise-induced left ventricular hypertrophy as an example
Current perspective Neural control of the cardiovascular system during exercise
Current perspective Neural control of the cardiovascular system during exercise
Modulation of vascular endothelial gene expression by physical training in patients with chronic heart failure
Modulation of vascular endothelial gene expression by physical training in patients with chronic heart failure