Research methods Simultaneous assessment of electrocardiographic parameters for risk stratification: validation in healthy subjects
Research methods Simultaneous assessment of electrocardiographic parameters for risk stratification: validation in healthy subjects
The risk functions incorporated in Riscard 2002: a software for the prediction of cardiovascular risk in the general population based on Italian data
The risk functions incorporated in Riscard 2002: a software for the prediction of cardiovascular risk in the general population based on Italian data
Original articles Current standard of care in patients affected by coronary heart disease in Italy: the MC’95 study
Original articles Current standard of care in patients affected by coronary heart disease in Italy: the MC’95 study
Hemostatic markers and prognosis in ischemic heart disease
Hemostatic markers and prognosis in ischemic heart disease
Prothrombotic genetic markers
Prothrombotic genetic markers
Laboratory markers of hypercoagulability
Laboratory markers of hypercoagulability
Assessment and treatment of depression in coronary artery disease patients
Assessment and treatment of depression in coronary artery disease patients
Current perspectives Can menopause be considered an independent risk factor for cardiovascular disease?
Current perspectives Can menopause be considered an independent risk factor for cardiovascular disease?
First risk functions for prediction of coronary and cardiovascular disease incidence in the Gubbio Population Study
First risk functions for prediction of coronary and cardiovascular disease incidence in the Gubbio Population Study