Case reports Percutaneous occlusion of the left atrial appendage for systemic embolism prevention in patients with atrial fibrillation: state of the art and report of two cases
Case reports Percutaneous occlusion of the left atrial appendage for systemic embolism prevention in patients with atrial fibrillation: state of the art and report of two cases
Ischemic stroke in a young woman with aortic papillary fibroelastoma: echocardiographic diagnosis and surgical excision
Ischemic stroke in a young woman with aortic papillary fibroelastoma: echocardiographic diagnosis and surgical excision
Case reports Patent foramen ovale in scuba divers. A report of two cases and a brief review of the literature
Case reports Patent foramen ovale in scuba divers. A report of two cases and a brief review of the literature
Occluding clamp technique during coronary artery bypass grafting: single or double-clamp technique?
Occluding clamp technique during coronary artery bypass grafting: single or double-clamp technique?
Regression of left ventricular hypertrophy and cardiovascular risk changes in hypertensive patients
Regression of left ventricular hypertrophy and cardiovascular risk changes in hypertensive patients
Original articles The association between atrial septal aneurysm and mitral valve prolapse in patients with recent stroke and normal carotid arteries
Original articles The association between atrial septal aneurysm and mitral valve prolapse in patients with recent stroke and normal carotid arteries
Oral anticoagulant therapy in the primary and secondary prophylaxis of stroke
Oral anticoagulant therapy in the primary and secondary prophylaxis of stroke
Platelet receptors for adhesion and activation. Variability as a factor in susceptibility to cardiovascular diseases
Platelet receptors for adhesion and activation. Variability as a factor in susceptibility to cardiovascular diseases
Case report Interatrial septal aneurysm and genetic prothrombotic disorders: possible interaction in the pathogenesis of pediatric stroke
Case report Interatrial septal aneurysm and genetic prothrombotic disorders: possible interaction in the pathogenesis of pediatric stroke